I want to take the time to say thank you for visiting my site, and this blog post.
This is my first time running a clothing business, and I'm excited to grow and develop alongside all of you! I have much more in store, and I'll be as transparent as I can with how I run NULL, and any other upcoming releases.
This first drop is especially important to me.
As the late Nina Simone once said:
“You can't help it. An artist's duty, as far as I'm concerned, is to reflect the times.”
Thus, I thought that'd it'd only be fitting to release a design that featured my own reflection of our current time. I want every person to know where NULL stands on this topic; BLACK LIVES MATTER! That includes:
- Black Women
- Non-binary black lives.
- Queer Black Lives
- Transgender Black Lives
We still need #JusticeForBreonnaTaylor
Woo back! 💫💫💫 - Kris